Friday 13 May 2016

Alyssa - WALT write about our cultures

Tuna had a magic korokoro.He bounced out of the lack over alaman rd  over  tamaki primary school over tripoli rd and on to benghazi rd. Tuna jumped in to alyssa’s house tuna opened his waha wide Alyssa grabbed a pio from tuna’s korokoro and then alyssa began to dance after that tuna went  back to the lack

The next day tuna bounced out of the lack over alaman rd  over  tamaki primary school over tripoli rd and on to benghazi rd.  Tuna bounced into alyssa’s whare and opened his waha wide.Alyssa grabbed a piupiu from tuna and started to kanikani alyssa kanikani all day and all night.
Image result for haka dance little boys

Thank you for reading my story i hoped you enjoyed my amazing story.

Awesome story Alyssa! I love how you have added detail to your story, like "Alyssa began to kanikani, she kanikanied all night long." This shows you have been thinking about your story and reading it back to check it makes sense as well.
Awesome. I am going to post this on the class blog.
Miss Ashley

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